How Does Morning Rx Work?
and Why Does Booze Make Us Feel Ghastly?!

Our ability to consume alcohol far exceeds the body's ability to process it!

When you name your poison, this is what you get.
Whether beer, wine or the hard stuff, it's all ethyl alcohol.

Your body breaks it down into acetaldehyde.
Yikes! This is 20 times more toxic than the alcohol itself!

Acetaldehyde gets broken down into Acetate.
This isn't much better. Acetate levels remain high for hours, even after the acetaldehyde and blood alcohol levels hit zero.

But that's still not the whole story...

Dehydration, though far from being the next day bogeyman it’s purported to be, still matters.

Overall, the darker the alcohol, the more congeners and histamines are included, which makes them more headachier (a new word!).

GABA receptors in the brain get plugged by alcohol, in a sense, and when GABA comes rushing back = shaky guilt-ridden awfulness!

The body’s various anti-inflammatory responses, specifically cytokines… eep!

Morning Rx to the Rescue!

The body has finite resources, and when metabolizing alcohol, it burns through its backstock of building blocks, enzymes, and raw materials dashed quickly.

BUT - when taken at the Conclusion of the Evening’s Festivities with a good glass of water, Morning Rx goes straight to work with its 4 proprietary blends of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and standardized plant extracts tokeep the "next day boogyman" from getting a foothold!"

Morning Rx stops the "Why did I DO that?!" feeling before it starts!"

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DISCLAIMER - The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires the following notice.The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Morning Rx is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a qualified health care professional before taking Morning Rx if you are on medication, pregnant, breastfeeding or have a known medical condition. Information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Morning Rx will not prevent intoxication or protect against alcohol related damage that may be caused by excessive or long term drinking. Please drink responsibly and don't ever drink and drive. We do not support binge or underage drinking. Be cool.